Today’s Run = Two Thumbs Down

We decided this morning to run on the dike, which is a built up walking trail near the Susquehanna River.  We have to drive to get to it, but it’s definitely worth it.  They have mile markers painted on the pavement, and there’s a good mix of walkers and bikers. 

For some reason, I thought it was a lot cooler than it was today, but the humidity was horrendous by the time we started at 11am.  Our plan was to run 3.2 miles today.  We got about a mile into it, when Keith noticed a family up ahead.  A  little boy’s bike was down the hill, and he was obviously shaken up.  We slowed down to make sure that they were okay, and Keith grabbed his bike for him.  Once we started again, things went downhill fast.  We got about 1.75 miles in before I had to walk.  My breathing was so bad, and I felt terrible.  We walked for about 2 minutes, and then once we picked it up, I knew I had to finish it out.  The rest was nothing but picking various trees and objects to focus on getting to as small victories.  We finished almost 40 minutes and were pooped. 

This run was definitely a wake up call that time isn’t slowing down, and I gotta get my butt in action if I want to do well in October.

I downloaded a free calendar, so that I can plan out my workouts and stick to them.  Hopefully that will help!  Next run planned for Monday :)…ready or not!

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